Town Board

As the executive and legislative branch of town government the Town of Camden Town Board holds various responsibilities.  The Town Board adopts local laws, controls and manages town finances, manages town property and adopts budgets just to name a few tasks.  The Board holds a regular meeting once a month to discuss such topics and is open for public  comment. 

 Town Hall 2022

Daniel Christmas - Town Supervisor

James Johnson - Councilmember (Highway Liaison)

Corey Mutch - (Ambulance Liaison)

James LePonto - Deputy Supervisor, (Planning Board, Municipal Courts Liaison)

Jeremiah Plumley -(Code Enforcement, Tax Assessor and Building Liaison)

Town Board Meetings

WHEN:  Every second Monday of each month

WHERE: Town Hall - 47 Second Street, Camden, NY 13316, Front Conference Rm.

TIME:     6:30 pm